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About Us


Welcome to Patriot Elementary School!

We are honored to serve you in this important pursuit of learning and growth. Working together, we can achieve our mission for “every student to become a lifelong learner and a confident, productive member of society by providing an engaging, safe, and supportive academic community.” We strive for excellence at Patriot Elementary and will be accomplishing this through our belief that every student can achieve success and demonstrate high levels of academic and social/emotional achievement and growth. Patriot strives to provide a safe, engaging, and collaborative learning environment focused on high levels of academic learning targeted to meet the needs of each learner with excellent instruction and learning opportunities. Academics are a high priority. Teachers use formative assessment practices to monitor student progress, provide descriptive feedback, and actively engage students as learners. Differentiation of instruction is woven into the structure of the day in all subject areas to meet the individual needs of the learners.

School Effectiveness

Patriot’s Vision – Why We Exist

For every student to become an active participant in their learning through critical thinking and self-advocacy to reach or exceed their academic, social-emotional capacity within a safe, engaging, and collaborative community.

Patriot’s Mission – Where are we Going

We stand to…

-provide a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages healthy partnerships between students, families, and staff.

-provide student led instruction that is research based, developmentally appropriate and individualized to support student growth.

-provide excellent instruction and measurable learning opportunities through goal-setting to facilitate student agency.

-promote and support individual progress and intrinsic motivation towards achieving academic, social, and emotional well-being goals.

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Learn more about Patriot Elementary

School Hours

7:30 a.m.- 2:25 p.m. 

Contact Information

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(719) 382-1460

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(719) 576-4237


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7010 Harr Ave, Building 6205, Colorado Springs CO 80902

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Driving Directions


Interesting Facts: 

 Patriot Elementary is located on a military installation, supporting 98% students affiliated with the military.

 Patriot Elementary was dedicated in 2003.


 Patriot's school colors are red, white, and blue.


 Patriot's mascot is Lucy the Lion.


 Patriot P.A.W.S. means each student will do their personal best, act responsibly, work and play safely, and show respect to all.

 Patriot’s foyer is lined with United States of America flags to symbolize the students and staff supporting our military.